Operational Training
Build your Team’s
Harm Prevention Expertise
with Operational Training
Acts of harm—from workplace violence to corporate espionage—are often preceded by concerning behaviors. Our experts train your organization to recognize, report, investigate, assess, and manage these behaviors.

Training is key to harm prevention. From employees to executives, our custom-tailored operational training will equip your personnel with the knowledge and skills they need to do their part in preventing harm to your leadership, employees, assets, brand, and reputation.
Our experts utilize multiple, engaging training modules to meet your needs: from lectures and case studies to tabletop exercises and Interactive Operational Interviewing℠. This hands-on interviewing experience provides investigators, threat assessment professionals, security operations center personnel, and human resources professionals with the experience they need to effectively interact with and interview persons in crisis.
Our psychodrama actress, Tonya Quillen, in character as a person with a delusional disorder during an Interactive Operational Interviewing℠ course for threat assessors and investigators.
For threat management teams and investigators…
A holistic, all-threats approach to harm prevention is essential to ensure a potential threat is identified and mitigated. We train your harm prevention teams to employ our holistic behavioral-based threat assessment model to identify, investigate, assess, and manage potential threats.
For department heads and executives…
A critical aspect of any harm prevention program is leadership support, which facilitates stakeholder buy-in and program sustainment across your organization. We educate your leadership on our holistic approach to ensure they are equipped to make effective decisions and support your program.
For employees and supervisors…
Harm prevention relies on everyone to detect and report potential warning signs. We help you design a training program focused on how to identify concerning behavior, how to respond to the person, and how to escalate a report to the threat management team.
Workplace Threat Training
The FBI’s National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime recommends threat detection, threat assessment, and threat management training be part of the workplace culture. Any training program should be sensitive to cultural assumptions and stereotypes and emphasize focusing on an individual’s manner, conduct, and behavior rather than ethnic or other group identity, or a “profile” of a dangerous person.
Our operational Training specialties:
Get practical advice to ensure successful threat management strategies to mitigate threats of targeted violence.
Protect assets and information from theft, sabotage,
or disclosure by disgruntled
Stay ahead of potential threats by elevating your tools to identify and assess threats to leadership and facilities.